Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sony's EULA

Is Sony's EULA to restrictive? Do you feel they are taking advantage of consumers? Read this: Sony's EULA
My thoughts:
Sony has no rights to the cd when you purchase it.  This is outlined in a CD music copyright protection act that was written for both the copyright owners of the cd and the consumers.  You do not "license" it!  It will be far fetched for the Copyright office to change this law now.  We have had this law a long time, and it has served the public well.  I just can't see Sony coming along and writing a Eula that is so restrictive towards the consumer. It's degrading too.  The copyright office should be coming along and telling them to back up and regroup it's a music CD not a software program. Sony is clearly taking this too far.  As I have said in the past there are quite a few EULAs that abuse the public. Sony's is one of them.  I believe the copyright office should be telling Sony to change the EULA or the music CD's can't be copyrighted. I believe the copyright office should also come out and announce to the public that Sony's EULA is invalid. Sony's rootkit was installed on many computers without their consent.  Regardless if you agreed or not to Sony's EULA the rootkit was installed on your computer.  Many consumers do not know this.  Hopefully now they do. I hope so... Their computers are at risk.  

Monday, November 21, 2005

Sony's Rootkit

While most of you will brush off Sonys bad fortune, and call it a mistake.  Perhaps you need a lesson in what a rootkit is?  Well on this page: Sony, Rootkits  it tells you what rootkits are, and it explains why they are used in the very first paragraph. Read on to get info on how Sony's rootkit was exposed. Sony knew what they was doing.  Yes they are liable because no one in their right mind does business with someone without first checking them out first.  So don't baby Sony. For further study read this: searchSecurity.com Definition rootkit  Sony got caught pure and simple.  This information was not hidden on the internet.  it's information that anyone online can find easily. Sony is guilty!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Boycott Sony

Christmas is upon us folks, and it's also upon Sony.  No way will they ignore the public, not thinking about their Christmas sales that will be hurt drastically I hope.  We are not asking for much.  Yes we want a total recall the of Cds, we need a removal tool, (that fully removes  XCP ) and I would like a full apology. (sincere apology) from Sony.  

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Are You Infected by Sony-BMG's Rootkit?

The chatter is your screwed if you are not a tech savvy person. Maybe you can get help but read this carefully.  The lawsuits have started too.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Golden Retriever Gives Birth To Green Puppy

I guess I haven't seen it all.  Because the puppy is green, and the Vet said it is possible. You be the judge folks.  I just think it's amazing.  So... one question though.  Will the puppy stay green?  Or will the puppy loose the color as it gets older.  If the  placenta  did cause this, then it seems as though the green will fade away. Their are a couple nice pictures too for you to view.  Click below.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Want to buy some info?

For years now I have watched the Tech World struggle with theft of peoples information.  I have heard it all.  From "At least they only hit the wireless community." to "They are actively suing these people, so at least they are trying to stop it." 
Well if you agree with those statements, then you might as well sell your own information to the ones that want it so bad.  You don't need a middle mans help.  Why not you get paid instead of the middle man? 
Your info is very valuable to those whom want it.  It's so valuable to where employees are even willing to steal it from their places of work. So how could the statements above be wrong?  Two reasons off the top of my head leads me to believe you still need to worry. 
First reason is most Tech related businesses these days do a lot of business multi tasking when it comes to what they offer their customers.  Some offer just cable.  Others offer cable and broadband.  But a third could offer cable TV, broadband, and wireless.   
So the more you have as a customer the more info they could have on you.  They may offer you a great bundle, and a great price cut.  But perhaps this is putting you more at risk?  After all folks they have control of everything from your TV set to your phone.  So they could not only have just a password, they could have your phone number, email address, credit card number, social security number...   the list goes on. 
So now lets look at the second statement.  What is wrong with this?  Plenty folks.  If they are suing all the time, then it means they are not patching the vulnerable areas.  One time is a lesson learned, but twice is a "shame on them".  
Now I have my own statement for which none of the business sect will like at all. 
If the business does not say they have taken extra steps to protect your information.... DROP THEM! If a business keeps having the same area compromised DROP THEM!
It's time folks for the consumer to take back control of their personal information.  After all if the business sect wont do it then who will?  We shouldn't have to deal with this on a month by month basis.  Not if they want our business.  We should not be treated in this manner folks.  We deserve better than this.  plus our very livelihoods are at stake too. 
Why so harsh?  Because this has been in the news and worn out to a frazzle each and every month, and year for at least the last five years.  Businesses already know this problem exist.  We have excused them enough folks its time for us to take a stand.  I am also sorry too for having to say this Verizon, but if someone proves that this has happened before in your company,  then I believe a class action suit should be brought against you also for failure to protect the data. 

Saturday, November 05, 2005

When Vendors Install Malware

Vendors need to be open with what exactly they are putting onto our computers.  They also should inform us if a uninstaller is included.  Also we shouldn't be forced to fill out a bunch of BS just to get the fix for it.  I don't care to get their spam.  This is all they are doing now.  First they stick us with malware, now we have spam to contend with.  Doesn't anyone other than me see a problem with this? 

Cheney wants CIA exempt from abuse rules

I was so shocked at this.  If ever our Government says that the USA will partake in such activity I believe all of them in office should be impeached. 

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sony to patch copy-protected CD

Is Sony so damn stupid they didn't think this could happen?  I don't think so.  I believe they got caught in the cookie jar.  They never planed for the public to investigate what their software was doing in the background.  When they got caught you didn't see Sony or BMG offer an apology to no one.  This is another good reason to regulate software companies.  They have no right putting something on my computer that I can't uninstall through the add/remove.  Sony did no more better than the rest of these blood sucker virus writers online.  They even gave them a helping hand. I think its time the public woke up and started giving these companies a taste of their own medicine.  We don't need their service that bad.  So don't buy it. Move on.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sony installs a virus on computers. There may be legal action brought against them.

For those of you that want to call this DRM fine they have a right to do this.  Your right I suppose.  But do they have the right also to cause your computer to become a haven for viruses?  Think about it folks right now virus writers are armed with software that was provided by Sony that allows them to literally hide their virus on your computer. Before this is over you could end up with a computer badly infected all thanks to Sony. 

Who is responsible for the security on your computer?

Apparently a few want to make ISPs responsible.  But I am sorry I don't agree with this.  Responsibility starts at home.  Users are just given the computer, they are not given instructions as soon as they turn it on.  So I recommend that the ones making the computers include a flash file explaining to the user they need to protect their box, and what safeguards they have in place how long till they expire, and where to go for more help.  This flash file should auto come on as soon as they boot the computer for the first time. 
I don't believe ISPs should be the ones to secure the boxes after all they didn't create this mess.  However I do believe they could add just one safeguard like limiting the amount of emails that a regular user sends out per hour.  That will keep a lot of these e-mails that get forwarded at bay.  But a good majority of the blame lies with the computer owner.  Safety is a responsibility that falls squarely on the individual.