Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Jungle secrets: 52 new species found in Borneo's 'Lost World'

For once we get a treat.  Get your eyes focused, and head over to the website below.  Some never seen before photos of animals never known to exist on earth are awaiting you.  Gather the children, they will be treated too.

More than 50 new species of animals and plants that have never been seen before have been discovered in a 'Lost World' on the island of Borneo in just 18 months, say scientists.

Among them are two tree frogs, a whole range of plants and trees and 30 brand new types of fish including a tiny one less than a centimetre long and a catfish with an adhesive belly that allows it to stick to rocks.

Be sure to click on: GALLERY: Borneo's magical inhabitants for even more pictures on the page below.  Jungle secrets

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The world's tallest man has saved the lives of two dying dolphins in China

 SHANGHAI (Reuters) - The world's tallest man has saved the lives of two dying dolphins in China by reaching deep into their stomachs to pull out pieces of plastic, official Chinese media reported on Thursday.
This man has a heart of gold.  If he hadn't of helped these dolphins they would of died.  There was no other way to save them.  Read more below:

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

General foresees 'generational war' against terrorism

"The American people need to prepare for a long-duration war against radical Muslims who are set to fight for 50 to 100 years to create an Islamist state in the region, a top Pentagon strategist in the war on terror says. "
read more here: 'generational war'
No they wont stop at their region.  If you look at all of what the radicals are saying they have clearly stated they plan to dominate the world.  They want EVERYONE to convert.  It is not just Islam/Muslim type countries. IT'S EVERYONE.  As long as their are so called infidels they will fight. Do some research on the subject if you don't believe me.  But they did say it several times.  They said it on the radical websites, and in news media they released to the public online.  This is just what irks me with the news media.  They never tell the whole story.  You have to search online to find out the true story.  You will not find this news on FOX or CNN.  Why?
If you look at the whole story then the reason for their fighting is clear.  If you look at the news media, it is not.  It doesn't make what they are doing right killing innocent men, women, and children.  But I believe the news media owes us ALL the truth, not bits and pieces they feel like telling us. I will never be a museum extremist.  Their fighting just doesn't make any sense.  Plus they read into their Bible words that were never included.  The true Museum would never act that way. 

Sunday, December 10, 2006

YOU will be responsible for reporting Illegal images

Millions of commercial Web sites and personal blogs would be required to report illegal images or videos posted by their users or pay fines of up to $300,000, if a new proposal in the U.S. Senate came into law.

The legislation, drafted by Sen. John McCain and obtained by CNET News.com, would also require Web sites that offer user profiles to delete pages posted by sex offenders. It doesn't end there though... You also will be required to retain a proof copy of the offenders post(s) for up to six months. Webmasters would be immune from civil and criminal liability if they followed the specified procedures exactly. But screw up, and you are fined $300,000.  I take it as meaning if they find evidence on a offenders computer that leads to you knowing what the offender was doing, then you will pay for ignoring them.  It basically turns all individuals into the police. 

The efforts of the Senate are I suppose admirable for stopping online predators, but what do they plan to do to the person that is ignorant in how to save the evidence?  Gosh now even the law will know how many online are just clueless on how to run their computers. 

Read more here: From Cnet: Senator: Illegal images must be reported

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Global Warming

Yes there is global warming.  But some of this is due to our own earth's cycle.  I don't doubt we need to change.  But people like Al Gore look at Americans like it is their fault.  It's not.  Look in our stores, look at what we are being offered for fuel, and look at the laws that are in place for recycling.  We are offered, and so we purchase.  It's not like our own Government hasn't stepped up to the plate and said things are changing.  They are not.  New fuels are not being developed, and marketed fast enough.  New incentives are not being developed fast enough.  Plus it doesn't look like the oil company's will give up this without a fight.
Instead of asking us to purchase the new longer lasting energy efficient light bulbs, offer those only and take the ones off the market that don't meet energy efficient standards. Same could be said for all appliances, and automobiles.  We can only do so much.  If our supplies dealers, and such isn't offering the better energy efficient.  Don't blame us.  Plus the price on some of these goods is outrageous. If the old stuff is fazed out, then it makes sense that the new energy efficient stuff will drop in price to a reasonable level.  Fix it!  By the way... Don't forget to go after the "other" Countries that are offering less than energy efficient too.  It's a world effort. The United States can't handle this alone.  Faze out the stuff that doesn't meet the energy efficient standard guidelines.  Don't permit a US company to even ship out the product overseas unless it's energy efficient.
Stop hounding US citizens because of global warming.  We didn't create the problem. If you are so worried about it then do something about it, and stop your nagging. 

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dare to be wise

Sapere aude

Dare to be wise

Dare to be wise Campaign logo
Support this campaign it is a good one.  The campaign simply means that everyone is getting the word out to all users that computer security is important, and why.  Plus how to secure your family, and your computer. This includes computer vendors, ISP's, Operating system vendors, Makers of security software, etc. 



Tuesday, November 07, 2006

HBO SPECIAL Hacking Democracy

You have to watch this film.  I don't care if you believe in votes being accurate, or not.  Watch it anyway.  It is well worth the time spent of a hour and 21 minutes.  It will effect how you feel for how your vote is counted.  For one thing, watch how they gave the voters machines every benefit of the doubt.  The machines still failed though.  Perhaps its time for the citizens of the USA to take a stand.  We are guaranteed a vote.  But judging from this HBO special. You don't count.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Computer Security we can't have it both ways, or can we?

We are on a cusp right now as you read this.  I don't always care for Microsoft's antics, and sometimes abuse of the public.  Abuse? Well for years the public has been at the mercy of Microsoft when it came to securing their computer.  You could never stay one step ahead.  As soon as your back was turned, here came some more Malicious  software.  All, and I mean EVERYONE told Microsoft enough was enough, do something about this. So Microsoft tried, and tried again. 
They are now fixing to release another Operating system called Vista.  Vista Could put the Security Software industry out of business.  Is this a bad thing?  No its not.  As I have always said in the past... Any security software you purchase is never 100% reliable.  You can install your upgrades, and get your virus updates, and a hour later have it all compromised.  As fast as you try to fix the problem, another problem arises.  So the security industry may be out of business.  Or will they?  Well deep in Vista is a means to stop software from changing the Kernel.  Or for that fact even messing with the kernel.  Most of your security software do just this.  They want to continue messing with the kernel.  The kernel is the backbone of the Operating system.  If you asked the laymen whom owns a computer what the kernel is, most couldn't tell you.  The only ones who know the most are the Manufacturers of the Operating systems, the security software industry, and the Malicious  software coders.  I am explaining this to you, because some people don't know.  If the only ones with access to the kernel is Microsft it could possibly backfire at them. They will have no one to help them if something should happen to crop up.
Vista to me means that down the road a person trying to shut down a portion of the Internet, or launching a denial of service attack will have a harder time doing so, if they use Vista machines to do their dirty work.  They will also have a harder time going after machines to infect.  In general the ISPs, Host, businesses, and even the public will come out ahead if Vista does all it claims it will.  The only ones that will loose is the Security software vendors.  They will either have to scale back on their software, or be completely out of a job.  The bad news is these security vendors can take Microsoft to court.  If they end up with a Judge that doesn't know how bad the Operating system needs these improvements, then Microsoft could loose their case right off the bat, due too ignorance on part of the Court system.  Face it many cases are lost due to ignorance.  it's one thing to have the facts, and a entirely different thing to be able to understand them.
However I do agree with the vendors about Microsoft's pushing Windows Live OneCare on users when they first boot up.  Put a read me file or a media file on the desktop, and leave it up to the user on what to install.  This means if a vendor wants to continue their security software offer, they should be allowed too.  Especially during Vista's first years.  Which also leads me to believe that if OneCare is still being offered by Microsoft, then the security vendors can still carry on making software for the Vista.  It also leads me to question... Is Vista really as secure as Microsoft claims it is?  If it was, then why do we still need OneCare? Microsoft should allow the vendors access to the code at least, so that we wont have a backlash of new viruses, etc to hit the Operating System in the near future after the first release.  The best security is to be one step ahead.  Keeping them in the dark hurts EVERYONE.  Least we should not forget that when Windows XP hit desktops, it too was said to be more securer.  Is it?  At least having more heads checking for ways to break Vista security wise, would be better than just relying on Microsoft.  After all, human error is the number one reason why the older Operating systems failed in the first place.   Or so I believe it's the major number one reason.  Your mileage may differ.   Comments?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

CNN: Searching for an Unfriendly Face

 As a soldier scans the crowded streets of Baghdad, so do another set of eyes. The second set, located on the soldier's rifle, belongs to a camera system that instantly recognizes the faces of potential threats.
The camera's brain, a two-pound computer system worn on a belt or in a pack, is the first portable video system capable of matching faces with known threats in real time. It's being developed by Frederick-based ACAGI Inc., along with researchers at the University of Maryland's A. James Clark School of Engineering, through Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program funding.

"Soldiers have cameras on their rifles or helmets, but that's only half the equation. They don't recognize anything," said ACAGI CEO Peter Spatharis. "If our system sees somebody it knows, it tells you, and it tells others so quick decisions can be made."
Isn't this something... Why it was just a few years back everyone was amazed at microwaves, computers, and those watches that cost 50 bucks that could tell the time, add and subtract, and light up, plus look stylish too!  Today all of this stuff is cheaper, The computer of yesterday would cost 300 bucks today. Microwave goes for about 50, and the watches go for about 5 to ten bucks. Don't forget that years ago a computer took up lots of space, today is more compact you can wear the darn thing.  
*Weebit laughs* 

Introducing the Online Meth Registry

Everyone knows about the Sex Offender list... But a Meth Offender list? Tennessee is one of three States to have a meth offender list.  Is this the wave of the future? Will other States keep a watchful eye to see how these three States fair in fighting drugs? I must admit, it is a good way to see where this drug may be in your area. But is it going too far? Or should they make public online all drug offenders, and not just the ones producing it? I must admit, I think it would be ideal for the repeat offenders.












West Virginia

Read at the following websites:


Friday, September 01, 2006

Social Engineering

Seven years ago on a April day I made my debut on the Internet on a WebTV unit. In those seven years I have seen so many changes on the Internet to where it would be pointless for me to even try to sort it all out, and make them a part of this post.  I kept my WebTV unit for eight months, and purchased a computer in December of the same year.  Computers have come a long way in those seven years.  So has the users that joined me online.  I welcome you all aboard this information highway. 
Has anyone ever explained to you what Social Engineering is?  Probably not.  Most don't even like those two words.  For those of you that don't know me too well I run a computer list that has almost 300 members.  I have had this list  since 2001.  They are a great bunch of people.  Occasionally you will have a stray on these list that has no clue.  They know how to turn their computer on, check their e-mail, and click a link to a website.  This is all they know.  They may of been online for a few weeks, months, and some even years.  They just happen to come across my list, or a friend or family member points them in my direction.  We have discussions, that sometimes will floor these type members, and one of those discussions is Social Engineering. 
Why would I bring such a subject up?  Someone has too.  A majority of your computer users have no clue.  For some reason a few think that if you own a website, or a IRC channel, etc... You are special online.  You are important.  What a website is offering, or asking for is legit.  The person behind the website is high up their ranks online, so therefore what a website would say, ask of me, tell me to do, is the utmost important. 
Come down out of the clouds...
Grandma has a website online.  So do children, stay at home moms and dads, Uncles, Aunts, you name it they are online.  Behind every website is a person, or persons.  They may have your interest at heart, or they may be only thinking of themselves.  They can be helpful, or be thieves. They could be out to destroy your computer.  They could be online to help you fix your computer, or to protect it.  Either way, the Internet is the same as if you was walking down the street.  You don't know whom is walking in front of you, or behind you.  They could be a pedophile, thief, robber, the list goes on.  The Internet is no different.
So what does Social Engineering have to do with the Internet?
Social Engineering affects every man woman and child in some way regardless if you are on the Internet or at home, and work. It has no boundaries on age. It's a person's instinct of how they react to social interaction when they are confronted by a individual or not. It can also be human error. You could possibly be a part of it, or a victim of it. It could be a subconscious reaction, or conscious to know what is going on is wrong, but not know what to do about it. You could be very oblivious to what is or has happened to you also. Most of the time you have no clue till it is too late. It can play with emotions too in order to get a certain response from an individual. With the Internet Social Engineering can play havoc with a Internet Business, and consumers alike. If you think you can run to your favorite IT and have a conversation about this...you might succeed. But you could also fail. Most ITs don't want to discuss the subject because the very way instincts of human nature play a role in this, and to say that a employee won't answer a question that is not so innocent as it sounds is just as bad, because remember the IT just spent days securing the workstations, or the networks, now all of his/hers efforts are down the drain because of a simple question was asked by a stranger on the phone. So lets really say what social engineering is. It is no more than a con artist out to profit from information that they can gather anyway they can as long as it produces the results/information they are after. But the hardest reality for some to accept is that Social Engineering can also prey on your ignorance.
Is there protection out there?
Yes and no.  If anyone tells you any differently then run!  You can be stingy when it comes to the software you allow to be downloaded and installed on your computer.  You can be picky to what e-mails you open and read.  If your personal information is being sought after... back off and ask yourself if they have a real legit reason for asking for it.  Emails are not, and never have been a legit reason for asking for your personal information. Never click on the links in these type e-mails.  You are never destined to have to accept a certain software either.  The Internet is a market just like your neighborhood grocery store.  In this Internet market are many vendors trying to get your business.  You do not have to accept the first offer you come across. This is how many get burned.  They also get burned for the simple fact they don't read those End Users Licenses.  You know, those I accept agreements that read like a book when you first download and go to install a software.  Or those websites that put up policies like the privacy policies,  Terms of Use, etc.  I am sure if you read some of these you would be totally surprised.  Don't forget also your Instant Messenger chats.  IRC is another.  Social Engineering is two fold.  It has a person on one end carring out the scheme, and a person on the other end to be schemed.  So the individual on the Internet has always got to be aware of what is going on.  This is where many fail.  Plus this is why there is no clear cut 100% way to prevent it from happening.
As I have always said...
"Just use common sense online, you sure wouldn't give a total stranger your personal info on the street... neither would you hand your child over to a total stranger.  Plus you wouldn't let a total stranger place their belongings in your home. Why would you let them online?"


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Terms of Service and Our First Amendment Rights

When our First Amendment rights were created it was done because our forefathers had the mindset to know that one day our Rights as individuals in our nation would one day be challenged.  It seems as though yet another city has challenged our First Amendment Rights.  I think the nation as a whole and the public at large should back off trying to smash out our First Amendment rights.  They only are doing this because they see our own President doing this sort of thing, and doing his best to get away with it.  So far he hasn't been able to get away with smashing our Rights as USA citizens. 
If they are not careful... They could be on the verge of creating a civil war in the USA.  Lets be fair here.   First Amendment rights have been in force far longer than any individual living in the USA.  Once people learn and see what they are giving up, there will be war in them hills.  The USA Government brought this on themselves.  This is only a power struggle among a few.  But it's one hell of a power struggle that could get nasty for the Courts, and the public at large.  Pick your battles wisely.   Give up on stomping on our First Amendment rights.  You wont win this battle. Hell will freeze over, and little devils will ice skate before American's will allow that to happen.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Our Schools are Deplorable

When I was growing up...  education then didn't mean a high school diploma was going to net me that job I wanted.  I had no means to get a college education, and being female the Army was not a option either.  So I was stuck in the grind of getting a job where I could, at the best factory there was in town.  I busted my ass for eight years, and all I have to show for it is the memory of working there.  The plant moved to Mexico, and my dreams of staying with one job till I retired was taken from me.   School then didn't hardley mean nothing to a female in my earlier years.  Home Economics was pushed down our throats by our families and school.  It was a fact of life back then.  The late 60's and early 70's was still much a man's world.   
Today's schools are different. They tell a child from day one "You can be what ever you want to be." But that saying is soon squashed as the child ages, and reaches high school. The schools themselves fail the students. It's a poor excuse coming from our Politicians, and local City Commerce whom claim our schools are at a all time low, and in deplorable condition everywhere all over the USA.  States all over our Nation have thrown up their arms, and said "I don't know what to do." They all say the same thing... "Finding a fix, and the money to update them is the hardest part." 
I saw a Oprah Winfrey show a few weeks back that showed what some schools are having to endure.  If I was the one responsible for the schools in America I would be ashamed of myself.  Before you go say I am responsible, back off...  I pay taxes just like you do.  It's not my fault that our schools are left to each county/city to be taken care of, and the State funding has been cut many times over. It is also not my fault that the school systems are using the same ideology to fund, and teach students as they did in the fifties.  
The area I live in should not affect my education. They shouldn't be limiting the students just because of where they live! Plain and simple.  It should be a State wide effort.  If I had my way with it, each State would pool their school tax money together, along with the State funding and then put the money where it needs to be.  Hell with this County and city crap.  It's not working and truly is not fair to the students whom live in your poor neighborhoods.  Not when you have one State of the art public school, and another public school that has needed repairs for years, and new books, and both public schools are a few miles from each other.  Something is wrong with that picture. 
Bill Gates quoted this: "Low-income and minority students, are tracked into courses that won't ever get them ready for college or prepare them for a family-wage job ... Either we think they can't learn, or we think they're not worth teaching."
How does this happen?  Because the States allocated each school district a certain amount of money based on the cost of living for "taxes for that area".  So your poor sections get less money for school because of taxes collected.  Naturally an area that is poor will have a poor school too. While your rich sections get the state of the art school facilities and courses. There is not enough money in the poor districts for them to buy the books, upgrade the schools, and hire the teachers, much less fix the schools.  
The schools have used the same methods to teach and get financing for the last um say fifty years?  Give or take a few years. 
 Funding for schools should be a State wide effort, it enables every school to have the same amount of money that the next school has.  It makes sure they are up to date with everything the child needs to get their education.  Pool the taxes collected for each school district together, and divide it equally among ALL schools.  So that every district has the money they need.  No one is left behind because all the schools are up to date, and are teaching the same curriculum.  It doesn't matter if Johnny moves, because the schools are in synch with each other.  Get rid of the teachers that don't know their stuff.  test them, and do a background check on them either once a year, or every two years.  Hire teachers that have what it takes.  Get rid of the courses that don't ready a child for College. High school years are College prep all the way.  
Am I biased towards teachers?  No we have lots of teachers that deserve their jobs.  But to be sure a teacher knows their stuff, and how to teach it to the students, will guarantee our children are not left behind.  Bringing our schools into the 21st Century will allow any child the opportunity to go to College.  This is what every parent, and guardian wants for the children in their care.  No school's funding should dictate if a student will go to College, neither should the books, and courses taught should dictate if a child goes to College.  This should be left up to the student, and their family.  I know of no parent or guardian that expects any less of the child in their care. Most parents will tell you that they never knew their schools in the area they live in were not up to curriculum speed with the Colleges. 
The state of the art schools will balk at this idea because after all, they feel more deserving.  They earned the privilege to send their child to a public school that they have helped support with taxes.  Well thats fine...  Jim Dandy...  But what if you lost your home to diviorce, or a major layoff next month, and you had to move and transfer your child to one of the less favorable schools?  Ah!  Education...   Easy come, easy go. 

Friday, August 04, 2006

Iowa Supreme Court upholds HIV-spreading conviction

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- A man convicted of having unprotected sex with four people while knowing he carried the virus that causes AIDS was denied appeals Friday by the Iowa Supreme Court.

The court said Adam Donald Musser, who is serving 50 years in prison for criminal transmission of HIV, deserved a long sentence because intentionally exposing someone to the virus "is just like the first-degree robber who attempts to inflict serious injury on his victim."

read rest here ... 

 CNN: Iowa Supreme Court upholds HIV-spreading conviction

Iowa has good sense.  The only way to stop the spread of this in the USA is to hand over a long sentence for exposing someone to the virus, after they had already found out they had the deadly and very costly disease and then upholding the conviction.  Being firm is the way to handle this. This has nothing to do with free speech or the pursuit of happiness.  It has to do with the protection of the public.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Top Stories: US : Confirmed: Hezbollah Terror Operatives, "Sleeper Cells" Poised in the U.S.

From the Northeast Intelligence Network....
Special thanks to Nicole, an independent research assistant who provided archival information for this report.

17 July 2006: Operatives of the Lebanese Islamic terrorist organization Hezbollah, the same group presently firing missiles into Israel and labeled as one of the most dangerous Islamic terrorist group in the world, are believed "to be planning to activate sleeper cells located in New York and other larger cities inside the U.S." to stage attacks Americans. "The FBI and Justice Department have launched urgent new probes in New York and other cities targeting members of the Lebanese terror group." Law-enforcement and intelligence officials stated that "about a dozen hard-core supporters of Hezbollah have been identified in recent weeks as operating in the New York City area (alone)." 
 Read the rest by clicking the link below.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

House vote slaps news organizations

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House on Thursday approved a Republican-crafted resolution condemning news organizations for revealing a covert government program to track terrorist financing, saying the disclosure had "placed the lives of Americans in danger." Read rest click below...
Well this has me puzzled very much.  Who the hell in Congress brief the news people on matters of US Security intelligence in the first place?  Stop blaming the Press, because it's not just Press that is causing the problems with leaks.
This could go two fold also, many im sure remember all the other leaks.  If they hadn't of become public, there was a chance that Bushy may of gotten away with his no paper search warrants.  etc.  Perhaps old rules for the Press don't work anymore? I say as long as Free Press is not hindered, and Free Speech killed, then maybe the Press and Congress and find a means both can deal with.  How I don't have a clue.  But I am a little upset that the Press released info that was an delicate security in nature.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

UFO buffs say official denial 'alien to us'

SHEFFIELD, England (Reuters) -- Last month, the British Ministry of Defence made public a top secret report on UFOs, concluding that three decades of sightings had failed to produce evidence of visiting extraterrestrials.

Case closed for alien aficionados? Not so.

Far from alleviating UFO buffs' suspicions that governments are concealing what they know, the report has intensified them.

"I just e-mailed the MoD explaining my disgust at their latest UFO report," an Internet UFO forum member wrote, saying the Ministry was in denial.  Click below to read more at CNN.

UFO buffs say official denial 'alien to us'

Check out, or purchase The New Users Computer Security Guide by clicking here.

Monday, June 26, 2006

FreeNode was Hijacked here is freenodes response.

Read about it here:
In response Freenode called their users to a channel called #freenode-moderated  The log explaining the situation plus Freenodes stand and guidelines etc. is below. 867 people who flocked to Freenode took advantage of the question and answer session held in this channel.  It was nice of them to hold this chat session, but isnt it overkill? Wouldn't a page on their website servered their chat users better?
[11:22pm:46] <@HedgeMage> Last night, one of freenode's servers was compromised, and an intruder was able to cause various forms of havoc, including klining many users and staff.
[11:23pm:30] <@HedgeMage> We are currently investigating our security situation, and cannot give out any technical details until our investigation is complete.
[11:24pm:42] <Astinus> * For server, one may substitute "staffer account".
[11:25pm:20] <@HedgeMage> We believe that <25 nickserv passwords were compromised during a limited window, but all concerned individuals are encouraged to change their nickserv passwords just in case.
[11:26pm:42] <@HedgeMage> We'll open up the floor for questions, one at a time, in a moment.  Please keep your question concise, and type it ahead of time so we can move as quickly as is practical.
[11:27pm:51] <+alex323> Are the passwords in the services databases encrypted and/or hashed? What steps are you doing to prevent such an event from occurring again?
[11:28pm:13] <+alex323> Are proper Q:lines in place to prevent users from spoofing services nicks?
[11:29pm:11] <+alex323> In the event that this needs to be reported to a higher authority, what should we say
[11:29pm:32] <+alex323> What kinds of investigations are going on?
[11:29pm:49] <@HedgeMage> Passwords are stored as hashes, and we will have more information on specific new security measures as they are implimented.
[11:29pm:51] <+alex323> What are the consequences for those found responsible?
[11:30pm:01] <@HedgeMage> alex323: I asked for concise, please.
[11:30pm:05] <@HedgeMage> Others will want turns, too
[11:30pm:10] <+alex323> Understood.
[11:30pm:25] <Astinus> We'll answer those questions, then move on. Thanks alex323
[11:30pm:53] <@HedgeMage> q-lines are in place, but this intruder could have overriden them.
[11:31pm:51] <@HedgeMage> I'm not going to itemize security evaluations that are still in progress, as that would compromise our work.
[11:32pm:37] <@HedgeMage> Regularly changing your nickserv/chanserv pw is a good security practice, and something you can do to help your channel and nick remain secure.
[11:33pm:42] <+emes> Is there any credibility to the claims that hackers from EFNet were responsible?
[11:33pm:43] <@HedgeMage> emes: are you ready?
[11:35pm:26] <@HedgeMage> We are not releasing our suspect list, but we have some reasons to expect that bantown or GNAA may have been involved.
[11:36pm:08] <+taoist> DCC SEND welcome-our-new-gnaa-overlords 0 0 0
[11:36pm:10] <+taoist> Thank you.  Now that the sale of Freenode to the GNAA is complete, what new changes can we expect to see?
Lots of parts, and then joins.
[11:37pm:18] <Astinus> Sorry about that folks, even more indication that muppets from the GNAA might be involved ;)
[11:37pm:38] <Astinus> Can people please have their questions typed and ready, so that when voiced, things move faster?
[11:39pm:11] <@HedgeMage> next?
[11:39pm:12] <+aka_druid> oh, I wanted to ask about the passwords being compromised, if youa re goin to put in some announcement
[11:39pm:45] <+Naconkantari> Is this type of attack over for now, or can we expect more in the future?
[11:40pm:57] <@HedgeMage> We believe this attack to be over, but future attacks are always possible...
[11:41pm:23] <+Mark_Ryan> For those of us who aren't intimately aware of the workings of IRC servers, is there a way we can identify to ChanServ that doesn't involve an /msg? Can we use the server password field? Or an /identify server-side alias?
[11:41pm:55] <Astinus> Mark_Ryan: Provide your password upon connect, it'll be securely passed to NickServ
[11:42pm:35] <Astinus> Mark_Ryan: Also, /quote NickServ is an alternative to /msg. It'll more ably handle Services being down/spoofed.
[11:42pm:39] <Rez> also, /ns and /cs are server commands (may need to be prefixed by quote, ie /quote ns) that direct commands to them
[11:43pm:34] <+Ziggy> Did the so-called "hackers" have access to the filesystem? Is it possible they downloaded any services data? People with dictionary passwords might be interested, even if it is hashed.
[11:45pm:55] <@HedgeMage> Our hashes are salted MD5, rainbow tables won't work... it would be very CPU intensive to attack each one, even if the whole thing were compromised (which, at this time, we don't think is the case)
[11:45pm:59] <@HedgeMage> We again remind you that you can help yourself by regularly changing passwords
[11:46pm:24] <+Tompkins> What evidence - besides the events that took place right now - do you have against the GNAA?
[11:47pm:28] <@HedgeMage> We're not releasing any information about the results of forensic examination or other investigations, whether that data implicates or exonerates the GNAA.
[11:49pm:36] <Astinus> trelane: Got a question? :)
[11:49pm:48] <+trelane> no dunno why I was voiced I'm busy elsewhere, sorry
[11:50pm:02] <Astinus> That was unexpected, he had /msg'd me :)
[11:50pm:20] <+nenolod> ok, two questions:
[11:50pm:21] <+nenolod> m_services.c says:
[11:50pm:21] <+nenolod>   if (IsHoneypot(sptr) || !(acptr = find_person(NICKSERV, NULL)))
[11:50pm:21] <+nenolod> so does /quote NickServ really provide any real protection?
[11:50pm:23] <+nenolod> and
[11:50pm:44] <+nenolod> bantown says they are sniffing packets at a place where a freenode server is located, any comment on this would be nice :)
[11:51pm:47] <Astinus> nenolod: We don't believe (at this time) that bantown is capable of sniffing traffic from any of our sponsors. Its possible they're upstream somewhat, but OSUOSL (our main sponsor) are usually pretty good about network security.
[11:52pm:24] <Astinus> nenolod: Regarding the m_services.c question, I'm not a coder, I had understood /quote NickServ to be more secure but will defer to your superior knowledge on that one :)
[11:52pm:46] <@HedgeMage> My apologies, I had to step out a moment (minor parenting emergency)
[11:52pm:46] <+WhiteNoise> You mention that you believe that < 25 users had their passwords compromised.  How did you arrive at this estimate?  How much confidence should we place in that low a figure?
[11:54pm:21] <@HedgeMage> WhiteNoise: there was a small window between the time that nickserv went down and our servers stopped accepting connections.  While >25 is only an estimate, we are fairly confident that it is accurate.  That said, it is quite easy to change your password so you *know* you are safe.
[11:55pm:03] <@HedgeMage> ack sorry
[11:55pm:06] <@HedgeMage> BAD typo
[11:57pm:04] <+blackmanheartiez> DCC SEND welcome-our-new-gnaa-overlords 0 0 0
[11:57pm:05] <+blackmanheartiez> BYE
[11:57pm:06] <+blackmanheartiez> LOL
[11:57pm:07] <+blackmanheartiez> DCC SEND welcome-our-new-gnaa-overlords 0 0 0
[11:57pm:07] <+blackmanheartiez> DCC SEND welcome-our-new-gnaa-overlords 0 0 0
[11:57pm:19] <Astinus> Sorry about that
[11:57pm:46] <+DosBubba> 'Grats out to the GNAA for their newly acquired property, irc.vaccus.com #chat . /server -m irc.vaccus.com -j #chat Attacks will continue if you don't join.
[11:57pm:46] <+DosBubba> I would like to thank Freenode for taking the time to gather the whole of IRC, it has been our pleasure to take part in such a trolling opportunity.
[11:57pm:48] <+DosBubba> Remember: /server -m irc.vaccus.com -j #chat Attacks will continue if you don't join. !startkeygen
[11:57pm:48] <+DosBubba> IRC was founded on the principles of trolling, and we thank Freenode from the bottom of our hearts for carrying the fine tradition into the 21st century - hopefully beyond.
[11:57pm:48] <+DosBubba> Remember: /server -m irc.vaccus.com -j #chat Attacks will continue if you don't join.
[11:57pm:50] <+DosBubba> IRC was founded on the principles of trolling, and we thank Freenode from the bottom of our hearts for carrying the fine tradition into the 21st century - hopefully beyond.
[11:57pm:53] <+DosBubba> Remember: /server -m irc.vaccus.com -j #chat Attacks will continue if you don't join.
[12:01am:01] <+JapaneseGangster> What are the concequences of this event?  ie. Will access be limited for certain parties?
[12:02am:10] <@HedgeMage> JapaneseGangster: While we can't, right now, comment on security measures that aren't in place yet, we need to assess our vulnerability and whether a crime was committed.  We don't, at this time, have evidence of enough damage for that to be the case.
[12:02am:28] <+nalbright> have you considered opening up an SSL port on the servers to help cut down on sniffing?
[12:03am:41] <@HedgeMage> nalbright: At this time, not all of our servers are dedicated to freenode only, so that is not possible.  We hope to aquire more dedicated servers in the future so we can offer that feature.
[12:04am:06] <+avillia> Two things: 1. What sort of additional fallout has the Slashdot article caused, and 2, What was up with staff members asking for donations via global notice as the attack (+ cleanup) was still happening? Thanks in advance.
[12:04am:09] <+avillia> Also: <GNAA joke/plug>.
[12:05am:12] <@HedgeMage> The slashdot article didn't cause any real fallout until someone told me about it, I read the comments, and annoyed my husband by rolling my eyes at the less intelligent ones.
[12:05am:18] <@HedgeMage> ;)
[12:05am:38] <+Jin> What do you think the motive or purpose of the attack was?
[12:06am:08] <@HedgeMage> As I answered to nalbright's question, we are trying to get more dedicated servers to increase security, asking while security is an issue, we hoped, would be a wake-up for potential donors.
[12:06am:23] <@HedgeMage> Jin: we're still assessing that, and can't comment right now.
[12:07am:37] <@HedgeMage> Re: the notice regarding donations, lilo has asked me to apologize if anyone was offended
[12:08am:04] <@HedgeMage> link?
[12:08am:11] <@HedgeMage> next?
[12:08am:26] <+openbysource> all i want is voice at freenode-social. why don't you guys give us voice on joining freenode-social. why does it take so long for you guys to give us voice. please be fast man. we need to wait sometimes sometimes around more than 3 hours. if you guys are working around with these security issues it's okay but do take care of freenode-social keep that thing going man.please try give us voice as fast as u can don't make it too
[12:08am:26] <+openbysource>  long. take for example right now so many of us in the  queue at freenode-social.
[12:08am:35] * openbysource was kicked by Astinus (Idiot.)
[12:09am:50] <Astinus> SushiGeek: Got a question mate?
[12:10am:19] <+SushiGeek> woah
[12:10am:21] <+SushiGeek> Yes I do
[12:10am:24] * Astinus smiles
[12:10am:34] <+SushiGeek> Are you taking any measures to prevent this kind of thing from happening in the near future?
[12:11am:24] <@HedgeMage> SushiGeek: Thank you for your concern, but as I said before we'll release information on new security measures when possible, as they are implemented.
[12:12am:05] <Astinus> RE: The question about #freenode-social  ::  Its a social channel, not a method of gaining support on the network. We'll voice you when we notice, please don't bug us about it. /stats p or /who freenode/staff/* for contacting people who can help with problems!
[12:12am:17] <@HedgeMage> :) thanks Astinus
[12:12am:19] <+nf> Do you have any reason to believe that there may be an insider providing information to various outside parties, that could be a threat?
[12:13am:02] <@HedgeMage> I'm sorry, nf, but as I've said, discussing our security asessments right now is not prudent.  We're still working on gathering all of the information we can.
[12:13am:18] <+Teratogen> was the FBI contacted and are they participating in the investigation of this incident?
[12:13am:35] <@HedgeMage> see my last answer... can't comment now.
[12:13am:40] <+Teratogen> thanks
[12:13am:54] <Astinus> Guys - please don't ask questions similar to ones previously asked.
[12:14am:05] <@HedgeMage> Since most of these seem to be repeats, we're going to close for now.  I'd like to reiterate that we encourage all concerned users to change passwords
[12:14am:31] <Astinus> We can't comment on matters of security, anything said might taint investigations by any law enforcement authorities in the near future. We are looking into this, we are serious about finding the root cause of this, and we have your security in mind.
[12:15am:05] <Astinus> With that said - now's a good time to change those passwords ;)  We do believe <25 accounts may have had their NickServ account password compromised, change it now - end of problem.
[12:15am:11] <@HedgeMage> Please set /mode yournick +w if you would like to see the announcement when we do this again.
[12:15am:38] <Astinus> This room will go -m shortly, so ya'll can chat before we have another session.
[12:15am:51] <@HedgeMage> try not to get blood on the carpet ;)
[12:16am:02] <Astinus> Or we'll send in the cleaners, with pointy brooms ;)
end of log

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

People are giving up

For years now the spammers have been able to spam without much threat happening to them for their actions.  If control is not in the makings, and the people using email as a means to keep up with business, and home alike.... Soon I feel people will revert back to snail mail, and give up on email all together.  It's just becoming too much of a headache.  You have some businesses that have their own email handlers wasting up to four and five hours per day sorting through it all.  I know of two small businesses so far that have reverted back to snail mail because they could not hire the extra help needed for email. 
There are no clear cut laws, or even software that cuts all of the spam out.  People are giving up. 

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Microsoft Changes WGA Following Spyware Allegations

When I was young ... and I am sure others who read this have heard this saying too. I was taught "if you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen".  This is a good saying for Microsoft to embrace.  You can't teach the public to not install a product if its clearly not outlined what all the product does, and you can't tell them they can't opt out if they don't like what the product does.  There is no way.  We need the public and the software industry to embrace the same rules.  Not even a Operating System is above the law. yes you have a Operating System to protect.  But that's all you have to protect.  let the other software makers protect their own property.  You are trying to embrace too much Microsoft.  It's not for you to protect everyone. 
"Privacy is about transparency and choice -- telling the consumer what data you collect, how you collect it, what you do with that data, and whether the consumer can opt out of some of those activities," said Penn. "Microsoft needs to embrace these as guiding principles for all its software and services."

Monday, June 05, 2006

ways of protecting your identity

I am often asked what the surest way to protect your identity online, and on your computer?  Answer: (Some wont like my answer)  Don't go online. Or if this is not possible, restrict the websites and businesses to the amount of information they have on you online and offline.  But still this is no guarantee that your identity will be safe.  Greed and human error causes the most identity thefts.

The most safest of ways is for the Government to restrict access to our personal information.  Plus those that do have access should be forced to protect our information better.  I mean blunt force with the heaviest of fines imposed on those that don't.  Perhaps even the loosing of a license to have our personal information on file is also in order?  In other words you have to pay for a special license in order to have full access to certain information, plus inspections, and so on in order to store our personal information.  If you don't pass inspection then you get no license, and if a surprise inspection is carried out and you fail, if you have these computers networked and online or even local, they must be shut down, or taken off the net, fixed and pass a inspection before you are allowed to go back online.  Plus all of the special licenses are public, so that way a person can check the data base and know exactly what the business can ask for, and have a public record of their inspection.  This will get rid of quite a bit, or all the fraud going on I believe.  Also anyone with access with your personal information should not have a personal license to handle your information if they have been convicted of any crime, or have debts, or any type of lean against them.  They must be in good standing.  This should be across the board in good standing regardless if they are local or political figures, or Government, etc.  They have to be completely biased.  Plus carry their own license in order to run their business handling your personal information. 


I was told this wouldn't work because it was time consuming.  Horse chit! It's our information that we are loosing.  Our lively hoods going down the drain.  We should be protecting it at all cost. 

Friday, May 05, 2006

Everyone Wants to 'Own' Your PC

I hope you know how to read this below and at wired news "between the lines."  It's sad too because it looks as though the computer consumer will forever be screwed.  And no one cares.  If they did care, where are they trying to help?  So far the laws protect the spammers, vendors, and large monopolies. etc.  meanwhile the consumer is ignored.
There's a battle raging on your computer right now -- one that pits you against worms and viruses, Trojans, spyware, automatic update features and digital rights management technologies. It's the battle to determine who owns your computer.

You own your computer, of course. You bought it. You paid for it. But how much control do you really have over what happens on your machine? Technically you might have bought the hardware and software, but you have less control over what it's doing behind the scenes.

Using the hacker sense of the term, your computer is "owned" by other people.

It used to be that only malicious hackers were trying to own your computers. Whether through worms, viruses, Trojans or other means, they would try to install some kind of remote-control program onto your system. Then they'd use your computers to sniff passwords, make fraudulent bank transactions, send spam, initiate phishing attacks and so on. Estimates are that somewhere between hundreds of thousands and millions of computers are members of remotely controlled "bot" networks. Owned.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Computer Spyware Protection Act - Million of Dollars in Fines, Surreptitious Computer Techniques a Whole New Can of Worms For the Consumer to Worry About.

" Get ready for Microsoft, cable and phone companies, and quite a few other people to know a lot more about what you do on your computer, thanks to House Bill 2083."
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Ben Fenwick
Get ready for Microsoft, cable and phone companies, and quite a few other people to know a lot more about what you do on your computer

It's supposed to protect you from predators spying on your computer habits, but a bill Microsoft Corp. helped write for Oklahoma will open your personal information to warrantless searches, according to a computer privacy expert and a state representative.

Called the "Computer Spyware Protection Act," House Bill 2083 would create fines of up to a million dollars for anyone using viruses or surreptitious computer techniques to break on to someone's computer without that person's knowledge and acceptance, according to the bill's state Senate author, Clark Jolley.

"The bill has a clear prohibition on anything going in without your permission. You have to grant permission," said Jolley, R-Edmond. "You can look at your license agreement. It will say whether they have the ability to take that information or not."

But therein lies the catch.

If you click that "accept" button on the routine user's agreement, the proposed law would allow any company from whom you bought upgradable software the freedom to come onto your computer for "detection or prevention of the unauthorized use of or fraudulent or other illegal activities in connection with a network, service, or computer software, including scanning for and removing computer software prescribed under this act."

That means that Microsoft (or another company with such software) can erase spyware or viruses. But if you have, say, a pirated copy of Excel - Microsoft (or companies with similar software) can erase it, or anything else they want to erase, and not be held liable for it. Additionally, that phrase "fraudulent or other illegal activities" means they can:

-Let the local district attorney know that you wrote a hot check last month.

-Let the attorney general know that you play online poker.

-Let the tax commission know you bought cartons of cigarettes and didn't pay the state tax on them.

-Read anything on your hard drive, such as your name, home address, personal identification code, passwords, Social Security number . etc., etc., etc.

"I think in broad terms that is still a form of spying," said Marc Rotenberg, attorney and executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, D.C. "Some people say, 'Well, it's justified.' I'm not so clear that should be the case. Particularly if the reason you are passing legislation is to cover that activity."

The bill is scheduled to go back before the House for another vote. Will the Oklahoma House, on behalf of all computer users in the state of Oklahoma, click "accept"?

Where did you go yesterday?

Computer users first accepted updates when anti-virus makers, such as Symantec Corp. or McAfee, began back in the Nineties offering regular updates in an attempt to stay current with the alarming number of viruses introduced over the Internet. This was followed by Windows ME and 2000 allowing updates to their programs via downloads. By the time Windows XP came out, regular online updates became part of the product one purchased.

At around the same time, the Napster phenomenon pushed music corporations, courts and lawmakers into taking action against online file sharing of music. Hip, computer-savvy listeners traded pirated MP3 recordings beyond count, leading to action by the music industry to go on a search and destroy mission against the online music traders, even in Oklahoma. In 2000, Oklahoma State University police seized a student's computer containing thousands of downloaded songs after he was traced by a recording industry group.

Anti-spyware bill author Jolley said that's what people like the OSU student get for sharing their information online.

"You have to look at the other side of that issue," Jolley said. "When they agreed to put their files online, they literally agreed to allow people to come on their computers and search the files online. On a P-to-P (peer-to-peer) network, you are inviting other people to see what you have. That's a risk you run by participating in file share."

Jolley said his spyware bill is supposed to stop "phishers" from stealing one's identity off of one's computer, is supposed to stop "Trojan horse" viruses from being installed on the computer and is supposed to make illegal a host of other techniques for spying on a user's personal information.

"It prohibits them from taking things as basic as your home address, your first name, your first initial in combination with your last name, your passwords, any personal identification numbers you have, any biometric information, any Social Security, tax IDs, drivers licenses, account balances, overdraft histories - there is a clear prohibition on that," Jolley said.

Indeed, Sections 4 and 5 of the act specifically forbid anyone from doing so without the user's permission.

However, Section 6 of the act says such a prohibition "shall not apply" to "telecommunications carrier, cable operator, computer hardware or software provider or provider of information service" and won't apply to those companies in cases of "detection or prevention of the unauthorized use of or fraudulent or other illegal activities."

Which means software companies updating a user's software or the cable company monitoring that user's activities on a broadband modem hookup can turn over that user's history of writing hot checks to the district attorney if the company feels like it, said Rotenberg.

"You go back to the old-fashioned wiretap laws," Rotenberg said. "There was an exception to allow telephone companies to listen in on telephone calls. The theory was that it was necessary to make sure that the service was working. Part of what's going on here is to significantly expand that exemption to a whole range of companies that might have reason for looking on your computer. The statute will give them authority to do so. I think it's too broad. I think the users in the end need to be able to allow that themselves."

Jolley insists his proposed law would not allow Microsoft, Symantec or Cox Communications to become "Big Brother."

"The goal of this is not to allow any company to go through and scan your computer," Jolley said. "If they are, it has to be for a specific purpose. If you don't want them doing that, don't agree to (the user's agreement)."

Which means, when a user accepts Microsoft's Windows operating system on that new computer, or Norton AntiVirus, or Apple's operating system or a host of other online-upgradable programs, that user agrees to being watched by the company.

Who on Earth would write such a law? It wasn't Jolley, or anyone in Oklahoma.

To read more of "The Watchers," pick up a Gazette.


"Now we are talking about Microsoft having the freedom to check your computer for any sort of illegal or fraudulent activity you might be participating in. Without your knowledge or consent. It is giving up your rights to privacy."

-State Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, about House Bill 2083. The bill gives software or online access companies freedom, without liability, to erase spyware and pirated software from users' computers, in addition to monitoring for fraudulent or illegal activities. ""

I don't doubt that right now someone out there has figured out a way to use this new law to benefit their scamming of the consumers.  This law is very vague because it doesn't set rules in place to say who has the REAL right to collect this information.  So Jane or John Doe of Kansas can claim to have a legit software business, and have a ball collecting information. They can do it legally thanks to this new law because everyone knows there are many who claim to be anyone.   Newbies will become very vulnerable.  All thanks to our nice Government.  Thank you Bushy. This could also open a can of worms called abuse.  The paranoid will want ALL your information which will lead Americans everywhere to cry fowl.  The lawsuits will start.  Because even though they want to protect the software makers, they forgot also to protect the public from abuse.  
Everyone knows that big business has done a lousy job at protecting our information.  If the consumer has any sense they wont let this fly by.  I suggest that the first batch that suffers from pitfalls from these new laws do all they can to create a class action law suit. There must be new laws for the consumer in place also.  Unless someone has the (ahem) to take it on now and try to get this settled before the consumer is hurt.  I don't believe for one minute that these new laws will stop anyone from using surreptitious computer techniques. Now a new law may be in place to help them in their efforts, and the consumer hasn't a ground to stand on. Another thing to consider is they can remove anything from your computer they deem necessary.  So who is to say they don't get ridiculous enough to start removing rival software then claim oops! sorry!  besides folks you will be accepting a EULA that states they are not liable.  The consumer is bound to their EULA that reads like a book,  and inside that EULA is a clause that you wont hold them liable if something like the accidental removal of legit software occurred you wont be holding them accountable period.  I am telling you folks sitting on your butt will not help you any longer.  You have to take action. If not to change these laws but to increase the protection of consumers against abuse.  You have just as much right to be protected as the software vendors, ISPs, etc.  

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

IRS plans to allow preparers to sell data

Well another piece of chit has hit the fan.  If they are allowed to sell us out then we are screwed.  I have a few questions though...
1.  Will tax prepares be allowed to include previous clients? 
2.  Will clients be able to opt out and really be safe?
3.  Will tax prepares have a limit to the info they are allowed to sell?
I don't know how you feel about this but I have to answer all of these questions as no. My reasons?  Because the Bush administration doesn't give a damn if our info is out there or not.  As a matter of fact judging on previous matters concerning our information I believe they want our information out there.  Plus they are doing everything possible to get our information out there. If they didn't want our information made public they wouldn't have all of these loop holes when it concerns our information.  So if you think that just because you opt out you are safe?  You haven't got a snowball's chance in hell.  The major thing to look for after the IRS is cut loose to do as they please with our info is a "ahem" security breech on a computer.  Our Social Security numbers are fixing to mean nothing.  Even though we have been told all of these years to protect them. It is fixing to be the end of them because this type of breech will hurt all Americans.  I am sure right now somebody has plans to hit these computers hard.  Plus the ones selling our information will find loopholes to go after our info with a vengeance.  We are truly screwed if this is allowed. 
I am curious as to why they even mentioned this in the first place?  See they passed some laws a time back to stop the spam, and give us a way to opt out of the phone calls etc.  Why would they pass laws to allow the IRS to sell us out like this when they know how this information will be used?  See how much our Government really cares for its citizens now?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Torn-up Credit Card Apps Not So Safe... Shredders are not either

First you have to read this: The Torn-Up Credit Card Application  Then you have to go here to see the results: TORN-UP CREDIT CARD APPLICATIONS AREN'T SAFE  But this here proves that a shredder is no better unless you take a second step that I came across online.  plus a few steps I outline below Read this: First three sentences of the fourth paragraph read:  
This was the situation up until November 1979 when Iranian students seized an entire archive of CIA and State Department documents, which represented one of the most extensive losses of secret data in the history of any modern intelligence service. Even though many of these documents were shredded into thin strips before the Embassy, and CIA base, was surrendered, the Iranians managed to piece them back together. They were then published in 1982 in 54 volumes under the title "Documents From the U.S. Espionage Den", and are sold in the United States for $246.50.
Today ...  The technology now exists to scan fragments of documents en-mass and piece them together semi-automatically in electronic format. Some human interaction is still required, but it is much faster and easier than the Iranian effort. It was said somewhere on the internet that the Iranian students laid out the shredded documents on the floor of gymnasiums and pieced the documents back together. The electronic way of doing this today is being done to restore ancient manuscripts but I'm sure it's being done in the covert and criminal fields as well with shredded documents.
So what is that step you can do to protect yourself a little better?   When you shred documents you have a tendency to shred all at once, and then discard all of the shredded docs at the same time in one or two bags.  Don't shred in this matter.  I say shred it at the same time but if you have some serious docs that if they got into the wrong hands it could be real trouble...  I say grab a few hand full's of the shredded material, and place these in a separate bag for disposal at a later date.  Or take a few hand full's of the shredded material, and mix it in with the next batch of shredded material, grabbing you a hand full from each batch.  You can always burn this material after shredding this.  But most people live in areas where you can't burn.  Unless you know where a local consumer incinerator is located, and can afford to use it, then you can't burn.  You could add a new step to the extra material like throwing scrap foods, or even cheap cleaners, or even bleach.  Any liquid other than water unless you plan to stir up a brew of paste out of the shredded material.  Just be creative with it.   Placing a small amount in each nights trash, is also a good idea, then discard what is left of the bag at a later date.  OH! Using the shredded material in kitty litter boxes, and kennels is also a wise choice. 

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Project SERPO

Project SERPO has a website that claims that the USA is very much involved in ET research, and discovery.  So much involved to where the USA launched in a UFO 12 military personnel to go to their planet stay for 13 years then come back to earth.  Two of these personnel died on their planet.  Two did not return to earth.  Reasons were not given for them not returning.  Is this all myth? A story that a few concocted to get attention?  Or is this all for real? 

If it is for real.  I don't believe planet earth is in any danger.  If we was, we would of met that danger many years ago when the first UFO reports, and pictures hit the news stands, and book stores.  The postings on Serpo, are very intriguing.  You have many military personnel, and even some top dogs stating that they can account for certain parts of other post being true because either their dad was there, or they was there, and or they had seen first hand this evidence. Some it seems to have come out of the closet so to speak, to now recount certain stories their dads told them, or other family members about ETs, and UFOs, and the Serpo project.  


You have to visit  Serpo  and read through this.  If your thinking maybe that this is all ludicrous and not worth your time or effort.  Have a open mind.  All the evidence is there, you can do your own research and decide on your own if there is any truth to it. 

Below is a excerpt from American Chronicle Article


The Project SERPO information, whether accurate or inaccurate, might make us think about the brave and dedicated people in our military, intelligence and scientific communities.

If extraterrestrial craft did crash in New Mexico in 1947, it would have posed a tremendous shock and worry for our national security authorities. If they did establish positive diplomatic relations with these visitors and an exchange program, that was quite an accomplishment.

If any of this is true, many people wonder about what has happened in the decades since. The reports of the U.S. acquiring advanced technology make sense. The secrecy surrounding the situation also makes sense.

What other information and experiences were gained by Americans involved in these kinds of programs? Did we stay on a moral and spiritually sound path in dealing with visitors from another planet?

The information on the serpo.org Web site and from many other sources gives us a few clues on these and other questions. If Anonymous and his friends and associates continue to provide us with more information, we can continue to think further about these kinds of ideas and concepts.

Again, whether true, false or partially true, these accounts of an alleged program like Project SERPO can help us grow as human beings and help us gain a better perspective on the dangers of our own making that we face.

If the stories are true, we could also learn more about the way physics, time and Nature function. We might learn about possibilities for further human development, our place in the Universe, Heaven and the mysteries of a Great Spirit.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

KFC Interactive Commercial Utilizes Tivo Features

Slashdot readers are not as dumb as KFC thinks.  For 99 cents KFC gets to spam you on the phone, snail mail, and e-mail.  Come on KFC if you get a bite from a customer then they truely are in the dark when it comes to their info.  The only thing you prove is just how vunerable consumers are. Shame on you KFC. 99 cents is not enough for me to turn over my info.  If other consumers fall for your prank they are just as ignorant as you are.  

Friday, February 24, 2006

KATRINA Lessons Learned

While most sat and waited for the Government to come bail them out of their mess. A great many also didn't wait on Uncle Sam's help.  They dug in and helped themselves.  
I don't want you to get me wrong.  Many of the katrina victims had no means to help themselves.  They were dirt poor to start with, and many of them didn't even have transportation.  The select few that did, either left the area, or chose to stay not realizing what was fixing to happen.
I had talked to a victim of katrina, and there was no one telling them they had to leave.  A good majority that did stay behind were not forced to do much of anything to protect themselves.  It was like the whole State had no clue.
It was true that Katrina did not bring the levy's down.  The storm surge did, along with  the large amount of rain.  The flood created after the levy's broke did the damage. 
But, it was knowledge that all residents knew that the area they lived in was like a big bowl.  New Orleans was in this big bowl.  As everyone knows... that is a disaster fixing to happen. 
So now they came out with a report stating everything that went wrong, and the few things they did right. 
I wont sugar coat this.  I will just come out and say it.  The Government can try to get it right next time, and residents everywhere if you want to depend on them, that is your choice.  But next time the world crumbles around your feet, and your not ready for the aftermath.  I don't believe the world will be so sympathetic.  Don't wait on Uncle Sam.  Sit down and make your plans now.  Set aside money, and rations, so if you need them, you will not have to depend on anyone.  Even a weeks worth of rations, and a $100.00 cash is better than none at all.  As you can see.  Even with the report below, everyone is willing to put the blame on someone else.  But it need not be you next time they blame, and as much as everyone thinks it wont happen.  Next time the blame may be on the town, and its residents, instead of the Federal, and State Government. Don't get caught in the blame game.  Look out for you.  This is not just New Orleans either, this is every resident in the USA.  Because unlike anything else they may happen at home, you never know where the next disaster will happen.  It could be your town too suffer a Katrina.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Forget Businesses, Houston Police Chief Wants Security Cameras In Your Home

Well It was proposed that all homes in the Houston area have security cameras.  I kind of believe that Chief in Houston has lost his marbles.  One could also say he has piss for brains.  Sorry folks this is totally wrong.  It's one thing to protect a business, but quite another when your home is invaded.  I see no purpose what so ever for this to be in the home.  It should be a voluntary effort instigated by the home owner that could quite possibly have a lot to loose. I am just curious also just where this Chief feels these cameras should be placed in the home?  Bad idea all around regardless.
On another note these cameras are being installed  in public places everywhere without your knowledge.  They apparently don't need your permission to install them in a public place.  Some areas have as many cameras as they do street lights.  (hint) 
I would like to point out one thing to the public.  Right now having these cameras looks like a good thing.  It supposedly increases security. In the past all things that start out sounding good, ended up a nightmare in some form or another.  First one camera, now thirty.  Then the home, and finally you find out you can't do nothing your privacy is totally gone.  It always starts small, then becomes a nightmare.  This technology sounds good.  It can help business, but wanting to place it in your home borders on privacy issues that right now you may or may not care about, but later you will.  Be careful what you wish for.  You don't want to be placed in the history books for the one that took one of our nations Constitutional rights away from us.  Generations to come will hate your family name.  People everywhere may spit on you, and call you names.  Plus the generation that allowed it to happen will be hated also.
Privacy is one of the things that Americans may not say out loud they care about. But let them loose it, or let that be threatened and see how quick they come out of the wood work. God help us all if the American public turn a blind eye to this.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The News ...How far can they go?

While a good majority of people feel that reporters do a good job making sure we get the news on time, and that the news is honest, and newsworthy.  I tend to feel that in the works something may be taken away from news reports.  That is being able to report on stories, that could maybe incite a riot. Take for instance the report on the new evidence released that prisoners of war were being abused.  This is on new pictures etc that were released. 
Many are outraged that this was even going on.  Because this has already been addressed in the past.  Most took it as a lessen learned.  
Reporters found more abuse pictures.  Then reported the pictures. It has hit the papers, and 6 'o clock news again. Pictures so impaling, that even the worst of people would be shocked.  (More of the same stuff)
Is this going to far?  Would they have done better leaving out the camera shots, and just reported on just the facts?  Are the news reporters adding to our demise?  Do they need to have a heart on what the ramifications, or outcome too reporting such news can do to the public, and to a nation? 
Even better maybe getting their facts together, and going to the proper authorities and reporting the new abuse, or new pictures found from the same time period. 
A very fine line is among the evidence.  First if they had of just gone to the proper authorities, would they of gotten the abuse to stop?   Would the nation even of cared and did their best to hide the evidence?  I am not even sure anymore on how guilty the ones were that were caught in the abuse in the first place from back then.  It looks to me now this is being done not by the small none meaningless low level in-listed, but by the top brass.  I also think that the low level in-listed may of been used as a scape goat.  All of this new evidence was from 2003. Or so they say it is.  Rather if it is or not, does the public have a right to see them?  Do reporters have the right to publish them even if it can incite a riot?  before you even answer this, be sure of what you are saying.  Because your outcome can create one of two scenarios.  One it can create news that hinders freedom of speech.  Second if the news is not halted, then it can create even more war, and even riots.  Which is worse?
I myself feel that its a "Be damned if you do, and be damned if you don't scenario."

Monday, February 06, 2006

Hold on to your socks! AOL Plan to charge businesses for e-mail triggers outcry

Plan to charge businesses for e-mail triggers outcry
Report: Marketers say AOL's effort to certify messages and reduce spam amounts to e-mail taxation.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - America Online's plan to start charging businesses to send commercial e-mail messages is creating an uproar among some marketers, according to a published report.

According to the newspaper, AOL is teaming up with technology firm Goodmail Systems to offer a certified e-mail system in a bid to reduce spam.

The optional plan, which is set to start in several weeks, is meant to ensure that messages that might normally be blocked due to the images or Web links they contain get past security defenses and reach AOL's subscribers, the report said. 

Some marketers argue AOL's certified e-mail system, which would charge advertisers $2 to $3 per 1,000 messages, is a form of e-mail taxation, USA Today said.

read more below.....

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Mile Wall

A shameless plug, but I thought this was just too cool to pass up, or ignore.  Be sure to click on banner, and at least check it out. 
The Mile Wall - the internet's longest page