WeeBits Buzz will contain Blogs for both the consumer and professional. Blogs that make you think.
Monday, January 30, 2006
The Internet is becoming harder to use for the handicapped
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Jay Leno doesn't get it!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
RIAA and MPAA's attempts to freeze the progress of consumer electronics technology
"The EFF's Deeplinks section has a pretty alarming post about the RIAA and MPAA's attempts to freeze the progress of consumer electronics technology and then start turning back the clock on all of us. Fair use, meet your successor: "customary historic use."
The post points to broadcast flag draft legislation sponsored by Senator Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) that contains provisions which appear to limit digital broadcast media reception devices to "customary historic use of broadcast content by consumers to the extent such use is consistent with applicable law and that prevents redistribution of copyrighted content over digital networks." In other words, if it does anything heretofore unheard of with the digital content that it receives, then it's illegal. And if it does anything "customary" that could also possibly lead to unauthorized redistribution, then it's also illegal. So all the bases are covered! .."
Monday, January 16, 2006
Fears raised over digital rights
Friday, January 13, 2006
Consumers warned to avoid Brazilian diet pills
Sunday, January 08, 2006
A Felony?
by Samuel Walter on Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Charging this boy with a FELONY is reckless, and irresponsible, and illustrates incredible ignorance by the school, the police, and the prosecutor. Furthermore, the actions taken and comments made by the prosecutor demonstrate his own brazen arrogance, poor judgement, and malice. If convicted of the charge this boy, who is just beginning his life, will carry the burden of being a "convicted felon" until he dies or is absolved by a higher court. Here's a sample of the collateral consequences his conviction would bring:
Even if this boy is exonerated and the charges are dropped or dismissed, he will have been put through a process reserved for those accused of the highest order of crime defined by law. The prosecutor's rash decision to file felony charges without first consulting with a technology expert is reprehensible. Regardless of the outcome, it is clear he lacks the sound judgement and integrity that is necessary to competently represent the People of his municipality. He should resign from or be removed from his post, and be replaced by someone who will represent the People with the integrity and consideration they deserve.
Samuel Walter
Network Engineer / Security Analyst
Thursday, January 05, 2006
JFK assassination 'was Cuba plot'
Rendezvous with Death, based on new evidence from Cuban, Russian and US sources, took three years to research.
One source, ex-Cuban agent Oscar Marino, said Havana had exploited Lee Harvey Oswald, who was arrested but shot dead before he could be tried...
Read the rest here: JFK Conspiracy Theories