Sunday, February 26, 2006

KFC Interactive Commercial Utilizes Tivo Features

Slashdot readers are not as dumb as KFC thinks.  For 99 cents KFC gets to spam you on the phone, snail mail, and e-mail.  Come on KFC if you get a bite from a customer then they truely are in the dark when it comes to their info.  The only thing you prove is just how vunerable consumers are. Shame on you KFC. 99 cents is not enough for me to turn over my info.  If other consumers fall for your prank they are just as ignorant as you are.  

Friday, February 24, 2006

KATRINA Lessons Learned

While most sat and waited for the Government to come bail them out of their mess. A great many also didn't wait on Uncle Sam's help.  They dug in and helped themselves.  
I don't want you to get me wrong.  Many of the katrina victims had no means to help themselves.  They were dirt poor to start with, and many of them didn't even have transportation.  The select few that did, either left the area, or chose to stay not realizing what was fixing to happen.
I had talked to a victim of katrina, and there was no one telling them they had to leave.  A good majority that did stay behind were not forced to do much of anything to protect themselves.  It was like the whole State had no clue.
It was true that Katrina did not bring the levy's down.  The storm surge did, along with  the large amount of rain.  The flood created after the levy's broke did the damage. 
But, it was knowledge that all residents knew that the area they lived in was like a big bowl.  New Orleans was in this big bowl.  As everyone knows... that is a disaster fixing to happen. 
So now they came out with a report stating everything that went wrong, and the few things they did right. 
I wont sugar coat this.  I will just come out and say it.  The Government can try to get it right next time, and residents everywhere if you want to depend on them, that is your choice.  But next time the world crumbles around your feet, and your not ready for the aftermath.  I don't believe the world will be so sympathetic.  Don't wait on Uncle Sam.  Sit down and make your plans now.  Set aside money, and rations, so if you need them, you will not have to depend on anyone.  Even a weeks worth of rations, and a $100.00 cash is better than none at all.  As you can see.  Even with the report below, everyone is willing to put the blame on someone else.  But it need not be you next time they blame, and as much as everyone thinks it wont happen.  Next time the blame may be on the town, and its residents, instead of the Federal, and State Government. Don't get caught in the blame game.  Look out for you.  This is not just New Orleans either, this is every resident in the USA.  Because unlike anything else they may happen at home, you never know where the next disaster will happen.  It could be your town too suffer a Katrina.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Forget Businesses, Houston Police Chief Wants Security Cameras In Your Home

Well It was proposed that all homes in the Houston area have security cameras.  I kind of believe that Chief in Houston has lost his marbles.  One could also say he has piss for brains.  Sorry folks this is totally wrong.  It's one thing to protect a business, but quite another when your home is invaded.  I see no purpose what so ever for this to be in the home.  It should be a voluntary effort instigated by the home owner that could quite possibly have a lot to loose. I am just curious also just where this Chief feels these cameras should be placed in the home?  Bad idea all around regardless.
On another note these cameras are being installed  in public places everywhere without your knowledge.  They apparently don't need your permission to install them in a public place.  Some areas have as many cameras as they do street lights.  (hint) 
I would like to point out one thing to the public.  Right now having these cameras looks like a good thing.  It supposedly increases security. In the past all things that start out sounding good, ended up a nightmare in some form or another.  First one camera, now thirty.  Then the home, and finally you find out you can't do nothing your privacy is totally gone.  It always starts small, then becomes a nightmare.  This technology sounds good.  It can help business, but wanting to place it in your home borders on privacy issues that right now you may or may not care about, but later you will.  Be careful what you wish for.  You don't want to be placed in the history books for the one that took one of our nations Constitutional rights away from us.  Generations to come will hate your family name.  People everywhere may spit on you, and call you names.  Plus the generation that allowed it to happen will be hated also.
Privacy is one of the things that Americans may not say out loud they care about. But let them loose it, or let that be threatened and see how quick they come out of the wood work. God help us all if the American public turn a blind eye to this.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The News ...How far can they go?

While a good majority of people feel that reporters do a good job making sure we get the news on time, and that the news is honest, and newsworthy.  I tend to feel that in the works something may be taken away from news reports.  That is being able to report on stories, that could maybe incite a riot. Take for instance the report on the new evidence released that prisoners of war were being abused.  This is on new pictures etc that were released. 
Many are outraged that this was even going on.  Because this has already been addressed in the past.  Most took it as a lessen learned.  
Reporters found more abuse pictures.  Then reported the pictures. It has hit the papers, and 6 'o clock news again. Pictures so impaling, that even the worst of people would be shocked.  (More of the same stuff)
Is this going to far?  Would they have done better leaving out the camera shots, and just reported on just the facts?  Are the news reporters adding to our demise?  Do they need to have a heart on what the ramifications, or outcome too reporting such news can do to the public, and to a nation? 
Even better maybe getting their facts together, and going to the proper authorities and reporting the new abuse, or new pictures found from the same time period. 
A very fine line is among the evidence.  First if they had of just gone to the proper authorities, would they of gotten the abuse to stop?   Would the nation even of cared and did their best to hide the evidence?  I am not even sure anymore on how guilty the ones were that were caught in the abuse in the first place from back then.  It looks to me now this is being done not by the small none meaningless low level in-listed, but by the top brass.  I also think that the low level in-listed may of been used as a scape goat.  All of this new evidence was from 2003. Or so they say it is.  Rather if it is or not, does the public have a right to see them?  Do reporters have the right to publish them even if it can incite a riot?  before you even answer this, be sure of what you are saying.  Because your outcome can create one of two scenarios.  One it can create news that hinders freedom of speech.  Second if the news is not halted, then it can create even more war, and even riots.  Which is worse?
I myself feel that its a "Be damned if you do, and be damned if you don't scenario."

Monday, February 06, 2006

Hold on to your socks! AOL Plan to charge businesses for e-mail triggers outcry

Plan to charge businesses for e-mail triggers outcry
Report: Marketers say AOL's effort to certify messages and reduce spam amounts to e-mail taxation.

NEW YORK ( - America Online's plan to start charging businesses to send commercial e-mail messages is creating an uproar among some marketers, according to a published report.

According to the newspaper, AOL is teaming up with technology firm Goodmail Systems to offer a certified e-mail system in a bid to reduce spam.

The optional plan, which is set to start in several weeks, is meant to ensure that messages that might normally be blocked due to the images or Web links they contain get past security defenses and reach AOL's subscribers, the report said. 

Some marketers argue AOL's certified e-mail system, which would charge advertisers $2 to $3 per 1,000 messages, is a form of e-mail taxation, USA Today said.

read more below.....

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Mile Wall

A shameless plug, but I thought this was just too cool to pass up, or ignore.  Be sure to click on banner, and at least check it out. 
The Mile Wall - the internet's longest page