Monday, June 09, 2008

NEWS: Gasoline thieves adopt a new drill

Heidi Perkins spent $90 filling up her 2002 Dodge pickup the Friday before Mother's Day and used a quarter of the tank over the weekend. So she was mystified Monday morning when the gas gauge was below "E" as she drove her daughter to school...

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


This is just ludicrous... Be sure too take your time reading. If this is all true, then the corruption is really bad at the White House. From the page:A former high-ranking member of the CIA, now retired, who was a career employee, contacted us this week. Due to our reporting on Halliburton and their corruption we were given 46 pages of testimony on how Halliburton, the CIA, the Pentagon and Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have been stealing billions of dollars.

read more | digg story